Yemei Limmud 4

כג תמוז תשפד

Yemei Limmud 4

The 4th Yemei Limmud event in Yeshivah took place on the 22nd and 23rd of Tammuz 5784, attracting over a hundred alumni for two days of intensive Torah learning. The theme, “Chadesh Yameinu K’kedem”, aptly reflected the participants’ return to their spiritual roots. Early Sunday morning, attendees traveled from across the UK and even the USA, gathering at the Bewick Centre for a welcome buffet and receiving specially prepared Maarei mekomos for the Limmud.

The first day featured an introduction to the sugya of Perek Eizehu Neshech by Harav Yosef Aharon Oppenheimer, followed by Divrei Pesicha from Harav Chaim Ozer Gurwicz, and the Shiur Klali delivered by Rosh HaYeshivah Harav Avrohom Gurwicz, which captivated over 400 attendees. The evening included dinner with the rabbanei Hanhallah, chaired by Reb Aryeh Melinek, with inspiring words from Mashgiach Harav Mordechai Yosef Karnowsky and Harav Boruch Moshe Cymmerman.

The second day began with Daf Hayomi and Shacharis, highlighted by a shiur from Harav Ezriel Rosenbaum, who spoke on halacha and drush. Other notable shiurim were given by Harav Simcha Feld on parshas hashavuah and Harav Avrohom Aron on practical halacha which the Limmud of the secind day was focused on. The event concluded with a lunch session where guests engaged in a Q&A with the Rosh Hayeshivah, reflecting on the successful renewal of their connection to the Yeshivah.

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