Talmidim learning

The Yeshiva is at its fullest capacity in recent years with over 440 Talmidim in the Yeshiva.

The Beis Hamedrash is full with some overspill into nearby Shiur Rooms. The Yeshiva is regularly oversubscribed and does its best to accommodate as many applicants as possible. The entry level shiur (3rd Shiur) has grown by over 30% in recent years.
3rd Shiur
Horav Simcha Feld gives the morning shiur and Horav Yaakov Yehuda Rosenbaum the afternoon Shiur.
4th Shiur
is given by Horav Yosef Aaron Oppenheimer.
5th Shiur
is given by the Rosh HaYeshiva, with a parallel Shiur given by Horav Eliyohu Gurwicz.
Kibbutz Shiur
is given by Horav Chaim Ozer Gurwicz.
The Yeshiva are well advanced in the planning for the development of a new multi purpose building on Rectory Road. The project will include : bedrooms, Shiur and Vaad rooms, office and administration areas as well as laundry and bakery facilities, all of which is much needed with the expansion of the Yeshiva - this is all in line with current requirements of safety and compliance.